Text Suggest: AutoComplete texts on Linux tool

It represents the automated completion of the texts property (Auto-complete) -aly phones and Altabelt- great benefit to people, helping them to shorten the time to write a full word, who shall automated completion proposing a set of closest to the required words as you choose among them.

Now that it has become available on computers, as TextSuggest tool appeared on the Linux system to provide automated completion experience for users and help them in the selection of suggested words and save time for them to write.

Instead of AutoComplete feature in TextSuggest tool, there is another advantage, a "text-expanding" and meant that you create a special set of words "shortcut" your own in order to reach a specific word; for example: The word "twe" as abbreviation of the word "tweet".

This shortcut is allocated to create words in a file '.Custom_Words.txt' folder located inside the home after the show hidden files (using Ctrl + H), see example below to know how to assign "abbreviated" words to complete words:

esig=Thanks, Joey-Elijah Sneddon
wiwte=Words I want to enter
ymmv=Your milage may vary!

And so on…

Unfortunately, the TextSuggest not support only English at the moment, and the developer hopes bharadwaj-raju support other languages in the coming period ...

* Dependencies tool xdotool require, libxdo3, xclip pre-installed in addition to dmenu2 to display the pop-up window of suggestions, as they do not work on both servers and display Mir Wayland, only X11.

To download the tool, click here (Do not forget to install Dependencies presets), after you install the tool will need to assign a shortcut in the Keyboard Keyboard Settings through the settings, for each of the two blocks as the two phenomena in the picture below:


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

😚😚kayfiat taqbil li'awwal😘 marrat w ma fawayiduh😘😘😘😘
